Fences installed by a professional fencing contractor make attractive and useful additions to any home property.

Unfortunately, they can also become homeowner headaches when this project is not approached in the right way.

Before a fencing company shows up to do an installation, there are some important factors that homeowners should consider with regard to the choice and installation of their fence.

Homeowners can get the perfect installation for their home from a fence company with these tips.

1. Confirm Property Lines

A common mistake that can lead to legal problems later is not confirming properly lines before installing any type of permanent fixture.

Fencing contractors recommend never estimating property lines, as mistakes in doing so could leave a homeowner with the responsibility and cost of moving a fence sometime in the future.

Instead, have a survey done to confirm where the property boundaries are and share the report with the contractor.

2. Inform the Neighbors

While researching property boundaries, inform the neighbors of the intent to have a fencing company install a new fence and get their input.

Most neighbors will be fine with it, as it is not their decision; however, if there are concerns, the best time to discuss and resolve those concerns is pre-installation.

3. Know the Rules

Fence companies suggest contacting the local HOA and/or the local township to learn of any rules and regulations pertaining to fence installations such as heights and types allowed, required distance from the road or property line, and other regulations.

If local rules are not followed, the HOA or township has the right to make a homeowner move or remove the structure at their own expense.

Also, inquire about permits and whether the homeowner or the contractor must file.

4. Know The Purpose

The first detail in choosing which fence to have installed by a fencing contractor is knowing its purpose.

Whether the barrier is desired to create privacy, contain kids and pets, enhance security, or just look ornamental, each of these reasons could affect the type of structure that is suitable for that fence.

5. Choose the Right Materials

When considering fencing type and construction, be aware of the many materials that fence companies have access to and the maintenance requirements of each.

In addition, know which materials are more suitable for local climates, as these fences will last longer with less maintenance and withstand weather conditions more easily.

6. Budget Accordingly

Understand that fencing can cost quite a bit, so it is essential to budget enough money for a correct, professional installation.

Get estimates from a local fencing company for one or two types ahead of time, then be sure there are enough funds available for a great installation.

Avoid skimping on things like cementing in posts, choosing weather-resistant wood species or adding sealant coatings, and using heavy-duty hardware, as skipping these details in an effort to save money can end up costing more in repairs or shortened lifespan later.

7. Hire A Professional

Above all, save money in the long run and get a good, attractive-looking fence by working with a professional.

An experienced fencing contractor who has the equipment and experience to install the fence can have it done quickly and without the problems that can occur with DIY fencing projects.

Get the Best Fence From A Professional Fence Company

Fences make a property more beautiful and useful.

No matter what type of fence a homeowner chooses, hiring a professional fence company to install it is the best investment they can make in their home and property.

Following these tips and partnering with an experienced fencing company, homeowners can benefit from the most ideal fence for their needs!

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